General Information
The Certificate of Attainment in Greek is the only officially recognized certificate for the knowledge of Greek as a second language. Established in 1998 by the Greek Ministry of Education, it offers a professional certificate of one’s knowledge of Greek, and serves as proof of the level of attainment in Greek in the work market.
The Center for the Greek Language in Thessaloniki, Greece (CGL) has the exclusive responsibility of administering the examination. For each of the six levels of attainment, four skills are examined: listening and reading comprehension, writing and speaking. The levels are aligned with the Common European Framework of Refefence for Teaching Foreign Languages. Examinations at all levels are held once a year in mid-May.
The Certificate of Attainment in Greek:
Serves as proof of the successful candidate's level of attainment in Greek in the work market
Is a requirement for the practice of various professions in Greece
Allows citizens of European Union member states to participate in the examination of the Supreme Council of Personnel Selection (ΑΣΕΠ) for civil service positions (The Supreme Council specifies the required level of certificate in every announcement)
Levels A1 and A2 correspond to one or two years of college level foreign language instruction, respectively
Level B2 allows foreigners to register at a Greek institution of higher education, if they do not have a Greek secondary education certificate (M.R. 152/Β6/1504/30-5-2001 – Official Government Gazette 659 vol.Β)
Level C2 allows citizens of European Union member states to prove complete knowledge and fluent use of the Greek language and thus be employed in a Greek institution of higher education
Detailed information about the exams: